my studio


People always ask about where I work and how things are laid out.  I find that having my kiln close by is key.  My torch table is on the wall directly across from my kiln so that I only have to turn around to get to everything.  I find that working in a large space can be less productive - especially when you are working with hot glass. 

I am lucky to have a handy husband.  He went to Grainger to confirm the proper size of the blower needed for my ventilation before he built the hood and ran all of the ducting.  The glass storage is made with luan,1”x2” stock, and a lot of brad nails.  Each bin is marked with the type of glass and color so that I know which ones I am using and what I need to pick up the next time I am out shopping.

The key to a successful studio space is functionality.  It can be done on a budget if you are willing to shop around and find good deals.

Valerie’s thoughts on studio layout:

Valerie uses:


  1. Olympic Bead Annealer

  2. Bartlett Controller


  1. Vetrofond

  2. Effetre/Moretti

  3. Creation is Messy (CIM)

  4. ASK

  5. Double Helix

  6. TAG - Trautman Art Glass

  7. Kugler frit

  8. Thompson Enamels


  1. GTT Scorpion

  2. GTT Cricket

  3. Smith Little Torch

Fuel Gas

  1. Propane

  2. Regalia 10LPM Oxygen Concentrator


a little about the studio...